Community Youth Development
In 1995, the Community Youth Development Program (CYD) was created to reduce and prevent juvenile delinquency in eleven (11) specific Texas ZIP codes determined by the 74th Legislature CYD Interagency Planning Workgroup. ZIP codes were selected based on referrals to juvenile probation, juvenile crime rates and other local factors. The ZIP codes were expanded to thirteen (13) in 1998, and to fifteen (15) in the year 2000. Beginning in 2017, three (3) additional ZIP codes were added for a total of eighteen (18) ZIP codes.
While funding and oversight is provided through the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) (, local youth service organizations are selected via competitive procurement in order to administer the CYD Program for their community. Residents, businesses and other interested parties are encouraged to be involved in the development, progress and evaluation of CYD services for their community’s CYD Program.
The CYD Program serves youth between the ages of 6-17, with an emphasis on youth between the ages of 10-17. CYD eligible youth live in and/or attend school in one of 18 targeted ZIP codes.
RGVEZC has collaborated with Community Agencies and developed community partnerships in the 78569 and 78580 zip codes to provide the best possible services to youth and families of the Lyford and Raymondville Communities. In addition, a vast array of services have been developed to meet specific community youth needs, including: